The Best Usborne Books for Toddlers and Babies

I love reading with my kids, finding a picture book and snuggling on the couch after nap or before bed are some of my favorite times with my kids.  

While we love searching through the library for new books to bring home, sometimes it is nice to have a trusted source to help us find new titles, which is why we love Usborne.  I wanted to compile a list of my favorite Usborne books for toddlers and babies for you as a quick guide if you are looking for a gift for a loved one or to create a library for your little one!

We were given a few Usborne books when my daughter was little and have loved them ever since.  They have a wonderful collection and variety of educational books that are engaging for young children through young adults.  They have some of my children’s favorite books and we read them often in our home! 

Childrens books stacked on dresser and touchy feely book in background

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What are Usborne Books?

Usborne is a family business and they have a small team of trusted writers and designers.  Their books cover a huge array of topics from classic fairy tales with beautiful illustrations, science and technology, history, and seasonal books.  Some of our favorite books from Usborne are their activity books, which make great gifts and keep my girls busy for hours.  They also have some wonderful children’s books with topics covering emotions and relationships. 

I am not a consultant with Usborne, we just love their books and hope by sharing some of our favorites you will find some new favorites of your own 🙂  Below are some of our personal favorite Usborne books for babies through preschoolers!

Favorite Usborne Books for Babies

Baby’s First Black and White Little Library – The high contrast images in these books are very interesting for babies to look at! These are perfect books to prop up during tummy time to give baby something interesting to look at and focus on.

Little Lift and Look Garden and Babies Very First Lift The Flap Peek A Boo  – Both of these are fun interactive series for little hands. Older babies will love playing peek a boo with the animals in these lift the flap books!

That’s Not My… – This is the perfect book series to introduce baby to new textures and animals. Every page has a fun new texture that little hands love to feel and explore the “fluffy tails” and “bumpy paws” of the different animals.  

Big Book of Colors

My First Words and My First 100 Words – These picture books are wonderful for babies, and are still something my four year old chooses to read with me before bed.  There are so many interesting pictures and items she loves to learn about and look at, it is a great way to ask her what she is interested in and start conversations about what she is learning about.

Best Usborne Books for Toddlers

All Better! – This was our first book we were gifted and is still a favorite in our house!  If your kids are like mine and are obsessed with bandaids and try to put them on any chance they get, they will love this book and they will love helping the animals feel “all better”.  

Complete Book of Farmyard Tales – We love all of the Poppy and Sam adventures, they are great books for younger children and early readers. 

Don’t tickle the…. – This silly book series is one of my 2 year old daughter’s current favorites and it never fails to make her laugh as she hears the funny noises the animals make.  

Peek Inside Series– This is an educational book series with colorful illustrations and flaps to lift and learn about whatever is hiding under the leaf or inside the cave depending on which book you choose to explore!

Play Hide and Seek with…– A fun lift the flap series of hide and seek with different animals including Bunny, Bee, Tiger or Frog. 

Big Book of Nursery Rhymes – This book has 19 classic nursery rhymes to read and sing along with your children. Singing with kids is such a great way to work on language development and have fun with your kiddos!

Usborne Books for Preschoolers

 Nibbles the Book Monster is a favorite in our house with my 4 year old. There are a lot of books that are a part of this series and your kids will soon love nibbles, a mischievous book loving character 🙂

Very First Questions and Answers – Some of my favorite educational books for curious young readers! There are 24 books in this series all with fun questions and helpful and engaging content that will be sure to spark even more questions between you and your little one.

Peek inside a fairytale – A great introduction into the classic fairytales we love, written for young readers.

Big Book of Abc and Big Book of Numbers

All About Feelings – A great book for helping children recognize their feelings and understand them better. It walks through how to communicate what they are feeling in a positive and fun way.

Activity Books

Sticker Books – Our absolute favorites.  We love the bright colors and illustrations in the sticker books and both of my girls read and redesign their pages often.  If you’re looking for a great gift for Christmas or birthdays, these are a wonderful choice!

Sticker Dolly Dressing – There are many characters to dress up in this fun series of small sticker books. Fairies, mermaids, friends on an outdoor adventure. They have bright and colorful illustrations and are the perfect size for car rides and traveling!

Coloring Books – They have many coloring books in this series, your little one will love coloring the cars, bugs and animals!

Step By Step Drawing Book – A fun way to practice beginning drawing skills and help your little artist grow their skills!

Wipe Clean Zoo Activities – Usborne has different wipe clean books, which I love. Anything that can be used again and again will keep kids busy for many years! They are also a wonderful non-messy activity book for car rides 🙂

Fingerprint activities: animals – Little ones love making different animals and designs with their fingerprints!

Look and Find Puzzles – Whether in the sea or the forest, these eye spy books are perfect for roadtrips and keeping kids busy!

1000 Things in Nature – A beautiful reference book filled with pictures and names of many living things you would find in nature. There are no descriptions, but it is a good starting point for older kids to find something that looks interesting and then look into it further on their own!

1001 Things to Spot in the Sea – A bright and colorful eye spy book!

Seasonal Books

First Sticker Book Nativity

The Easter Story

Twinkly Twinkly Nativity

Usborne has so many fun titles and are great books to have in your home library! You can also find many of these titles in your local library! We found the nibbles book series in our library and have checked it out again and again.

I hope these book recommendations are helpful to you, what are some of your favorite children’s books?!

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