DIY Nature Paint Brushes- A Nature Activity For Kids

The natural materials and different textures seen in nature make such a fun playground for kids (and adults, who are we kidding ;)) who love art. With this activity you can head outside and find treasures in nature. Think cedar leaves, pinecones, evergreen leaves, pine needles, sticks, really anything that your kids dream up, to create your own DIY nature paint brushes. 

child painting with DIY nature paint brush

Being outside is so incredibly beneficial for kids. When kids are in nature their stress levels decrease and their attention spans increase (Simple Practice has great info on this if you want to dive in deeper!). This activity is a creative way to work on critical thinking skills and work on hand-eye coordination. I love that all of these things are being fostered through what my kids see as fun play! 

This activity is so fun for kids of all ages! We had 2 year olds creating their own masterpieces next to my 8 year old, each enjoying this activity as much as the other. These DIY nature paint brushes use simple materials and is perfect for a camping activity, outdoor classroom adventure or something to do on a summer day.

Paints, fern, sticks, string, paper and scissors

Materials Needed

  • Elastic bands or string
  • Acrylic paint or watercolor paints
  • Paper
  • Nature items to create the natural bristle & brush handle
mom helping daughter tie nature bristles to stick

How To Make DIY Nature Paint Brushes

First, head on outside and take a nature walk to forage for nature items for your paint brushes. This step is so much fun and my favorite part of this activity. I love to see how my kid’s creative juices flow as they start to think about what would be the best things for their paintbrush handles and natural bristles.

mom in woods with son looking for items for their paint brush

Have your child lay out their own nature paint brushes. You can then attach the bristle to the brush handle (usually a stick) with a rubber band, string or twine. Before you start painting, have the kids pause to look at what other’s did to make their own unique brushes. It is so fun to see all the different ideas kids have when creating their paint brush.

Now the really fun part happens! Put paint on a plate for your kids and let them create their masterpiece with their unique paint brushes. Don’t forget to offer lots of paint colors for them to choose from.

paint on paper next to pinecone on ground

The end result of this project is so fun to see! You can let them create their own masterpiece or add in more learning opportunities by asking them to write their name with paint, follow different patterns or have them try to paint something they have found in nature on their nature walk. 

I would love to see your child’s creation if you make your own nature paint brush masterpieces!

pinterest pin for DIY Nature Paint Brush activity

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