Picture Chore Chart For Preschoolers | Free Printable

Chore charts are a great way to teach responsibility, promote a sense of independence and helps create a daily routine with your child! This picture chore chart is perfect for young children who are not yet reading. Your little one will love feeling like a big kid with their own age appropriate chores to complete every day.

picture chore chart on table

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As summer is nearing I needed a way to create a simple morning routine for my kids. I made a weekly chore chart for my older kids but knew my 4 year old would want to be part of the fun too. He is not yet reading so I created this simple chore chart with pictures so he can be involved as well. I wish I could have recorded his excitement when he saw his own chore chart on our fridge the other morning, I hope that enthusiasm continues all summer! 🙂

Why Are Chore Charts Helpful?

Household chores can seem daunting but we have found that if we divide them up among family members they feel so much less overwhelming. By taking simple tasks off my plate, like watering the flowers (which is my 4 year old’s job) I get more time during the day to spend time playing with my kids. If you don’t have a chore chart system in your house yet I highly recommend it. 

I was reading the book Hunt Gather Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff which is a fascinating read if you are looking for a good book. If you aren’t a reader here is a great little synopsis of it. 🙂 This book gave me motivation to start weekly chores with my kids at a young age. It talks about how when little kids are allowed to do chores and be part of daily tasks they are often more confident, healthy kids as they get older .

Lastly, giving your child routine chores is a perfect way to foster responsibility. By giving kids basic chores it gives them a sense of accomplishment and builds their self-esteem. Having kids do specific chores that are written out for them creates clear expectations. The child is then responsible of keeping track of daily tasks that need to be completed by the end of the day.

chore chart hanging on fridge

About This Picture Chore Chart

This chore chart has daily chores laid out in pictures. It is a great visual chore chart for toddlers and preschoolers. 

The chores on this chart include:

  • Brush teeth
  • Comb hair
  • Get dressed
  • Make bed
  • Pick up toys
  • Water plants
  • Read 
  • Extra chore (this chore can be parent’s choice!)
chore chart going through laminator with magnets and dry erase marker next to it

How To Use This Printable Chore Chart

We have laminated our chart so it holds up to daily use. You could also put it in a plastic page protector if you don’t have a laminator. My little one loves using dry erase markers to put a check mark by each completed chore. We erase the marks at the end of the day and start over the next morning! 

​I recommend hanging your chart in a place your child sees frequently. This gives your child a constant reminder to complete their tasks (and avoids you telling them over and over) and gives them independence with this task. We use these handy magnetic adhesive stickers to make the chart magnetic.

Some people like to use a sticker chart or reward chart. Every day that the child completes all of their chores they get a sticker. At the end of the week if the child meets their sticker goal you can celebrate with something fun like going to the park or an ice cream treat. 

laminator, sticker magnets and chore chart on table

Your Free Printable Picture Chore Chart For Preschoolers

To get your printable picture chart you need to fill out the form above. When the form is completed an email will be sent to you inbox immediately. This email will include a link to the PDF file that you can download and print. This printable chore chart for kids is for personal and classroom use. 

picture chore chart next to weekly chore chart on table

Other Parenting Tools You May Find Helpful

The weekly chore chart in the photo above is perfect for older children. It is a great choice for kids who are reading.

We have this feelings chart with coping tools hanging on our fridge next to our chore charts.

If your child is struggling with big transitions (moving, end of the school year, new sibling, etc) or small transitions like moving between activities or being out of a normal daily routine this post on how to help your child with transitions has a lot of tips and tricks for you.

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